Capital Choice Plan
  • Capital Choice Plan Logo
  • Rate: 7.30%
    APR: 7.62%
    Incentive: Yes
    Offers: Cashback | Free Valuation | Free Application | 10%pa Partial Repayments Option | 3-year No Early Repayment Charge* | Downsizing Protection Feature | Guaranteed Inheritance Feature | Fixed Early Repayment Charges | Cashback Options**
  • Free Property Valuation
  • Minimum age 55, maximum 95
  • Minimum Loan of £10,000 and maximum loan of £1.5 million
  • Minimum Property Value of £70,000 and maximum of £5m
  • Main Residence situated in England, Wales & Mainland Scotland
  • Voluntary Partial Repayments of upto 10%pa with NO Penalty
  • Monthly Payments Permissible from Day One
  • 3% Cashback Option on loans over £35,000
  • Automatic Guaranteed Inheritance Feature
  • Downsizing Protection – allows homeowners to repay the loan penalty free after 5 years when moving home
  • Fixed Early Repayment Charges – 5% for 5 years, then 3% for 5 years & NO penalty applicable after 10 years